Second Shooter Etiquette: Day of and After

On the Day Of


How to Be One Step Ahead of the Game

Being a second shooter isn't just about capturing great shots, it's about making the lead photographer's job easier! Familiarize yourself with the wedding timeline, know the key moments, and always anticipate where you'll need to be next. If you can anticipate the lead shooters needs, you'll be their new bestie for life which I’ve found always leads to future jobs with them.

P.S - Every time I’ve filmed once for someone, they reach out again. Some have paid me upwards of 4k per job..I’m speaking from experience, always go above and beyond.


Do I Pose or Direct?

The short answer: Don’t. Leave the posing and directing to the lead photographer unless otherwise instructed. Your job is to capture candid moments, secondary angles, and those sweet behind-the-scenes details! If you see an opportunity for a great shot that requires slight direction, communicate with the lead first. Don’t step on their creativity unless you know that you know it’s going to be understood well.


What Will Get ME Fired?

Two behaviors will get you dismissed faster than you can say "I do": acting like you're the lead shooter and being unreliable. 1. If you start posing people or making creative decisions without consulting the lead, it's a BIG no-no. Also, punctuality and preparedness are non-negotiable. Show up late, unprepared, or underdressed, and you might as well be prepared not to show up at all next time.


How Do I Interact With Other Vendors?

Professionalism is key. Always introduce yourself and explain your role. A harmonious relationship with other vendors ensures a smooth workflow and a drama-free day for the couple! They’re your teammates for the day, so be cordial and collaborative.

My favorite saying I hear my seconds say to the planners are “Hey, my name is so and so, I’m hear to assist Jimmy but also here to help you guys out with whatever you need!”

Do you know how much that makes me feel like a badass? Like I only hire sophisticated shooters who are down to serve the team as a whole? Trust me, you say that, and I’ll hire you again and again.


After the Wedding


Can You Post Photos?!

Wait on hitting that 'Share' button just yet. Generally, the lead photographer has first rights to post the photos. Don’t upload any images without the lead's explicit permission. It's not just courtesy, it's often outlined in contracts with the couple. Respect their business and reputation.


Do You Have Rights to Use Them?

This can be a gray area. Typically, the rights to the photos belong to the lead photographer or their business. However, many leads will allow you to use the images in your portfolio, provided you credit them and the vendors involved. Always get this in writing before using any photos. This mutual respect helps maintain professional relationships in a competitive industry.


What Does Follow Up with the Lead Shooter Look Like?

Communication is crucial even after the wedding day. Send the lead shooter any files in the format and within the timeline they’ve requested. After that, shoot them a thank-you message.

Whether it’s an email or a text, showing gratitude goes a long way. Even if you know the answer, it’s also a good time to clarify if and when you can use the photos, if you haven’t already.


In the end, being a second shooter is about supporting the lead while honing in on your craft. Do it right, and you not only build your skills but also your reputation in the wedding photography and videography world. Be respectful, be diligent, and, most importantly, be the kind of second shooter you'd want if you were the lead.





“I've joined and signed up for this group not too long ago and within a month or so I already got hired as a second photographer! The site just makes everything so easy to navigate through when you're looking to shoot for someone and/or just have your services available to other photographers and filmmakers. Not only that, but the community is incredible and I've already met some people through the platform! I HIGHLY highly recommend it!”

-Aeson B.


Mastering Client Communication as a Wedding Photographer or Videographer